The video is realized by Veronica Motta, an Italian all-round creative, much into communication. She arrived in Eindhoven during the pandemic and was looking for communities that could support her in her creative ambitions, and that would welcome her talents. We were very happy with her initiative to meet with us, and gave her the issues of our magazines. She felt inspired to make a video, in which she talks to artists based in the Eindhoven creative hub Stroomhuis, about their needs and aspirations. This topic was also the core of our 5th magazine issue Welcome The Artist/ Verwelkom de kunstenaar' , curated by Sunjoo Lee and Griet Menschaert.
Veronica: My passions have always led me to seek places and communities able to inspire our human souls. In the artistic field I don't see jobs or professions. I see life, lived in 360 degrees, a visceral need to express who we are; the truth. When I came to Holland, I was looking for a place that would allow me to continue my projects and a place to call home. Unfortunately, this house does not exist. In Eindhoven all artist places were destroyed during the corona period. What I found, however, and to my great surprise, was a multitude of passionate people, united under a single dream: to create a conversation between the artists and the city. This video came to life after my meeting with KONT magazine. Taking a cue from the 5th issue of the magazine, "Welcome The Artist", I went looking for places and people that promote and believe in the power of art, and creativity.
The desire to erect a place that is a symbol of connection open to all led me to the old electrical factory also known as Stroomhuis. I decided to interview some of the volunteers who have been carrying out cultural and artistic projects for years, to show and honor the work they do. This video is the result of my travel and research in Eindhoven.
By Veronica Motta
Special thanks to my infallible collaborator
→ Gioia Best:
KONT magazine:
Interviewees websites:
Koen Verhees:
Marina Fabris:
Kiki van Caspel:
Miekie Capello:
(More info about the 5th issue of KONT under Magazines)